10 amazing ways to save money on gas while road tripping
Ok so it’s no secret that gas prices have gone through the roof. Spending money on gas is never an enjoyable expense, especially when it seems prices are constantly on the rise. Gas prices are at the highest they’ve been since 2014. Nationally, the current average is $3.47 per gallon and rising, while a year ago it was $2.47. If you’re reading this your probably like myself and many other adventure seekers who love to road trip to our adventures whatever they may be. I am usually packed up and ready to hit the road right when the whistle blows at work, and we gone! This was no big deal a year ago. Now however a little more strategy is involved and what use to be a manage budget to drive in any direction several hundred miles, now costs about the same as my house payment!!! Here’s what I’ve learned over the last year and my top ten best ways to save money on gas while road tripping. These simple tips will save you money!
- Keep your vehicle tuned this is so often overlooked with vehicles being able to go 100,000 miles between tunes we often just let it slide but this comes at a high price. Getting a tune, new plugs wires, injectors cleaned, new air filter, can improve your gas milage by an average of 4%. You may need tune ups more frequently depending on how and were your drive. Be sure to maintain your vehicle for tip to tail repairing serious maintenance problems like a faulty oxygen sensor can improve your mileage by 30%! Keep your car in good repair and you will save at the pump.
- Check your Tires its crucial to run your tires with proper pressure not only for safety and better life expectancy of your tread but will also maintain proper rolling resistance. Under inflated tires can adversely affect your fuel economy. Check your ties throughout your trip extreme temperature changes can affect your tire pressure. Your recommended tire pressure PSI is located on the door jam of the driver’s side. Also make sure your alignment is good an out-alignment vehicle will have more rolling resistance and cost you at the pump.
- Slow Down maintain a steady pace, don’t hot foot the pedal, use cruise control on long distance runs with relatively level surfaces using cruise control on hills ect may have adverse effects on milage due to the engine constantly trying to rev to get up hills, its better to shift down or turn overdrive off and finesse the pedal on hills. Most importantly drive the speed limits every 5 mph you drive over 65 is like paying an additional $0.10 per gallon or more depending on your vehicle. So, slowing down will save you money and allow you take in the scenery.
- Watch your Weight and profile while out on a road trip be it for camping or some other adventure gear is usually necessary. That said leave the kitchen sink at home be an extra 100lbs of weight will reduce your fuel efficiency by 1-2%. A large cargo box or rooftop tent will cost you 2-10% fuel efficacy in the city and a whooping 10-20% on the highway. Take only what you need pack and prepare smart for your trip and save at the pump.
- Shop for gas prices while enroute to your destination, hopefully you have a wingman or women to help navigate and research while out on the road. A little research before you pull up to the pump using apps like Waze or GasBuddy will help you get the most for your dollars at the pump.
- Don’t overfill your tank when you over fill your tank you may think your squeezing an extra few miles of range out of your tank but your just throwing your money into thin air literally, overfilled tanks can seep fuel right out and incorrectly sealed tanks result in vaporization of fuel. Stop pumping when the pump shuts off you will save money and have less of an impact on the environment. WIN WIN
- Use your cash back card Many cash back credit cards will pay you back 1-2% or more. My INK card for example pays me back 2% for fuel everywhere pay it of in full at the end of the month and you just got an additional savings on gas. It adds up build it into your road trip budget to make sure to avoid interest at the end of the month a little planning pays off.
- Loyalty programs, there are many loyalty programs out there memberships can save you money be it at a grocery store or Gas station IE: Maverick, Shell ect could be a good way to go especially if you know your will encounter a specific station several times over your specific journey. Do your homework before you head out on your trip.
- Take the right vehicle, maybe you don’t need your monster truck for a certain outing and the Subaru will due just fine and give you better MPGs Use the right tool for the job
- Strength in numbers Bring some friends along on your trip and share the expense this is a simple way to keep expenses in check and everyone benefits. PRO TIP: make certain if you do this. You know for a fact you have compatible traveling partners.
Safe Travels…
Cheers, Nomad